The Triumphant Light (John 1:4-5)

October 31st, 2024

4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

We are coming to the end of the month of October which in most cases is painted for us as one of those darker months. With the overwhelming onslaught of Halloween decor and frightening festivities, it becomes virtually impossible to see the light in it all. Darkness and fear are glorified to be put on display for all to see and we are told endlessly that it is just for fun. However, a deeper look into the heart of this season only proves what we've always known. This world would rather be entertained by darkness and disturbing evil than accept the true light. John chapter 3 warns us that people will love darkness more than light because they are afraid of their deeds being exposed (John 3:19-20). The world around us isn't as innocent as they claim to be. We know that there is a real dark force behind what is seen and for that we must be vigilant and alert (Ephesians 6:12). 

One of the ways Christians remain steadfast during this season is by taking time to understand what the Bible teaches on the subject of light and darkness. I often listen to so-called "spiritual" people talk about these two ideas and it comes with all sorts of vague explanations. Take for instance the celebration of Diwali around us. It rarely ever is communicated with serious religious meaning. It is simply promoted as the festival of light and it's supremacy over darkness. While this might be well-pleasing to the human ear, there is nothing specific about it. Any Christian who listens carefully can see right through such a conversation. I believe if we are going to talk about light overcoming darkness and good triumphing over evil, we must bring the exchange right back to God.

This is why we must love our Bibles. The Bible never explains spiritual concepts with abstract words. Our passage today is a great example of this. Instead of speaking in general terms about light and darkness, John pinpoints it to a person. The truth is, light and goodness is not just out there in the universe somewhere, it is solely and completely grounded in the person of Jesus Christ. In Him was all life, and that life was the light of all mankind. He isn't one option of light to be celebrated. He is the only God by which all light is shone. Every other god and religion is a shadow dimly fading in comparison to the glorious and triumphant light of Jesus Christ.

The light of Christ is not something to take mildly nor underestimate. It is piercing and invading light that utterly dismantles every form of darkness. So much so that the dark evil one, Satan, tried everything in his power to destroy Jesus. Satan believed that darkness prevailed the day Christ was crucified. He was convinced that he won and that light was defeated. But it was precisely through that dark moment that the light of Christ was unleashed. While He was being crucified, He was also disarming the spiritual powers and authorities of darkness, making a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the power of the cross (Colossians 2:15). And beyond that, He broke the power of darkness by overthrowing the grave and crushing death forever. When we are tempted to feel fear about the darkness around us or even to participate, we must recall what Christ accomplished for us. The victory is won and the enemy is trembling in fear.

Today we must remember that when Christ came, light was shone and darkness saw its end. That same light hasn't become dim over time. His light hasn't lost any of its brilliance and brightness. It's still shining today and will shine evermore in the glorious face of Jesus (2 Corinthians 4:6). While the world sets its feet in the grave of darkness, we will continue to worship in the light of our Lord and King. Where is your focus today? Is Christ the light of your life? Are you living in fear within the dark? I pray you turn your eyes upon Jesus and find in Him the beauty of God's light and grace.

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