Salted to be Set Apart (Matthew 5:13)

March 20th, 2025

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

I am convinced today that we are in desperate need of a clear message on what it means to live as Christians in this world. Surely, we have heard many sermons and messages on this topic from our favourite preachers and teachers. However, more than ever before we need to hear from our Lord, Himself. What does He deem as fitting and necessary for those that would call themselves followers of Christ? What would truly make someone a disciple of His? Over the next two devotions, we will dwell on Jesus' teaching on salt and light and decide for ourselves how we measure up to His great calling.

Some in our day, have paraded a kind of Christianity that is relatively anonymous and subdued. It is the kind of Christianity that seeks to minimize the word of Christ and godliness in order that no one be offended or upset with us. Jesus speaks sharply against this kind of silent and distant attitude. Instead of labelling Christians as citizens lost within a culture and nowhere to be found, He gives to them a distinct characteristic. He calls us "salt". It's interesting to think that Jesus never said we hold the potential to become salt, He simply states that this quality is part of our Christian DNA. That by virtue of following Christ, you will in some shape or form stand out or be set apart from the crowd. Just as Christ and His disciples became a movement that shook the culture, so will we once we chart our path right behind their footsteps. 

So then, what does it mean to be salt? Why does Jesus give us that calling? As we probably already know, salt is a substance with a few defined purposes. It is used to preserve the quality of food before it goes bad or becomes spoiled. It is also used on food to provide great flavor and taste. I am sure many of us can attest that adding even just a little bit of salt to bland food can make a world of a difference. Therefore, Jesus is taking this substance and using it as a spiritual lesson to define the Christian life. Christ has effectively spread His disciples all over the world and in every culture to preserve righteousness and add a divine flavour to those around us.

When we decide that we will not blend in and contribute to bland and lifeless society, we become salt in the hands of Jesus. We become useful to the kingdom, as He stations us as ambassadors for His name's sake wherever we are (2 Corinthians 5:20). Did you know that people around you may possibly get a taste of heaven from the Christian joy and faithfulness you display? Did you know that we can actually prevent the decaying and corruption of a culture simply by standing for righteousness in our land? We are salted by Christ not so that we can we sit idly by waiting for heaven. We are salted here and now to be set apart and useful. The difference and distinction of our lives ought to draw the attention of people around us toward the Lord and His saving message.

Are we a preservative of goodness and Christ-likeness to those around us or do we blend right in? Are we adding any spiritual flavour to the world around us or have we lost the taste? Christ's message is clear, if we have lost our saltiness, we will be good for nothing. I pray you are challenged and even motivated today. You have been saved on purpose for a purpose, to salt the earth with the wonder of Jesus Christ.

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