The “Trinity” or “Holy Trinity” is the primary title given to the Godhead of Christianity. Specifically, it refers to the way in which God exists as a triune being or how we understand Him to be three persons in one. Many have claimed that the Bible is unclear in regard to the trinity, but this is far from the truth. There are many relevant truths given to us in scripture that are helpful in our belief in the trinity. It is a concept that goes far beyond our human understanding but is nonetheless a marvelous characteristic about our Lord and God.
Who is Part of The Trinity?
God has also made references to Himself in a plural manner right at the beginning of the Bible. On the sixth day of creation, God says “Let us make mankind in our own image, in our likeness…” (Genesis 1:26). In referring to Himself as “us” He allows the reader to note His existence as multiple persons. As the Biblical story unfolds, we come to realize that God was exactly three persons from the beginning.
How Do We Understand Each Person?
It is best to understand the trinity in its relation to the earth and creation. Throughout biblical history we can clearly see the different roles each person of the Godhead plays. Firstly, we see God as the Father above and beyond all things. He exists in divine oversight over all things and is Himself creator and sustainer (Isaiah 64:7). However, the Father chooses to exercise these governing powers through the Son, Jesus Christ who is also the chief reason why all things exist and are held together (1 Corinthians 8:6; Colossians 1:16-17; John 1:3). In another prime example, the Father demonstrates His love and grace through the person and work of the Son Jesus Christ at the cross (Hebrews 1:1-4). Therefore, we can see a pattern of function in the Godhead in which the Father displays His mighty acts through the Son Jesus Christ and causes Him to be the cornerstone of our faith (Ephesians 2:20).
God chose to veil the full identity of Jesus Christ throughout
the Old Testament because a trinitarian concept would have hindered Israel’s view of the Lord. In
a world full of many idols, God did not want Israel to confuse Yahweh with
idolatrous religions. Therefore, when the perfect time came God sent forth His
son in human form to demonstrate His love and redemption (Galatians 4:4-5). God decided that He would progressively unveil the trinity throughout the plan of salvation. Although the mystery
of Christ was hidden, He can still be seen all throughout the Old Testament in prophecies
and divine appearances.
The Holy Spirit also plays a similar role in that both the
Father and the Son send the Spirit to become the divine power of God realized in
creation. In the Old Testament we see God the Holy Spirit come upon creation,
fill men and women for mighty works and ultimately accomplish the will of the
Father. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ comes in the power of the Spirit and
promises to send this Spirit to every believer for this same divine empowerment
(Romans 8:11).
The Son is the visible image of the invisible Father, and
the Holy Spirit is the helper that fills and enables us to realize this divine
revelation. In our salvation, Christ vindicates us before the Father and
sends the Holy Spirit as a seal and confirmation of our deliverance (Ephesians
1:13-14). We desperately need all three persons of the trinity for our
salvation and human existence for each person has a distinct role to play. This
is why Paul prayed in 2 Corinthians 13:14 that “the grace of
the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit be with you all.” Lastly a great example of all three persons
at work is in the baptism of Jesus Christ in Matthew 3:16-17.
The Trinity is not a concept that can be perfectly understood or articulated. The supreme way of appreciating this glorious reality is reading about each person in the Bible. We see each person in divine operation from the very beginning and we will continue to see it until the end.
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